Paradox Exec Says Talks Continuing
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4,925 hits since 19 Feb 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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"I think it is a bit tricky to comment on the Paradox/Target Games Adventure
situation in a simple way," says Nils Gulliksson, Executive
Director of Paradox Entertainment.
"The situation right now is that Target Games as a holding company had
no interest in continuing supporting the Adventure division. Paradox
Entertainment has all the interactive rights to brands
such as Warzone,
Chronopia and Kult and
it is easy to see synergies between the two companies.
"This is however a discussion that is going on right now between
Paradox and
Target Games. It is a
sensitive time as many things needs to be resolved in a very short time.
"As of this moment it is very tricky to give you any information
that would make sense but in everyone's interest someone will supply facts
in a short timeframe and I will make sure I get you this information as soon
as I know it."
In the meantime, we've just received both the Swedish text and an
English translation of the press release issued by
Paradox on January 15th:
Pressmeddelande Stockholm, 2000-01-15 | Press release Stockholm, 2000-01-15 |
Interactive) | New main owner of PARADOX ENTERTAINMENT (formerly Target Games Interactive) |
Paradox Entertainment AB (publ) köps ut från Target Games AB (publ). Ett
konsortium bestående av tidigare management och externa investorer köper som
ett led i rekonstruktionen av Target Games ut dotterbolaget Paradox
De nya huvudägarna har ställt ett lånelöfte till Paradox om 3,5 miljoner SEK
för att trygga den fortsatta verksamheten i Bolaget. |
Paradox entertainment AB has been bought from Target Games AB. A consortium
composed of former management and external
investors are buying P.E. as a part of the reconstruction of Target Games.
The new owners have promised a loan of 3.5 million Swedish Kronor to ensure
the continued activity of the Company [not sure which company they mean,
probably T.G.] |
Ny VD utses i Paradox Entertainment Nils Gulliksson tidigare Creative
Director utses till VD för Paradox Bolagets ekonomifunktion kommer också att
stärkas. |
New Executive Director of P.E. will be Nils Gulliksson, the
former Creative Director.
The economical functions of the company will also be reinforced. |
Ny styrelse och inofficiell notering Paradox kommer att kalla till
bolagsstämma inom kort där en ny handlingskraftig och kompetent styrelse
skall utses. Den nya ledningen har också för avsikt att snarast tillse att
Bolagets aktier kan handlas på någon inofficiell marknadsplats. I
förlängningen kan t ex en SBI notering bli aktuell. |
Paradox will call a meeting of shareholders to elect a new, forceful,
and competent board. The new leadership will quickly make sure that
the company stock can be traded unofficially. In the future, an introduction
on the SBI [side branch of the Swedish Stock Exchange] might be possible. |
Vi har nu fått precis de förutsättningar vi behöver, säger nytillträdda VDn
Nils Gulliksson. En klar och tydlig ägarbild samt en tydlig separation från
det sargade moderbolaget ger Paradox den styrka som vi behöver för att
forsätta leverera produkter i världsklass. |
The new Executive Director, Nils Gulliksson, says that the company now has the
needed foundation: clear and unambiguous ownership and a separation from
the mangled parent company gives the power needed to continue delivering
world class products. |
Paradox är precis i avslutningsfasen för tre internationella
spelprojekt och initierade dessutom arbetet på Warzone Online i december
1999. Warzone Online är ett mycket spännande projekt eftersom det har
innehåll, teknik och design som i mångt och mycket kommer att omdefiniera
begreppet Online-gaming., avslutar Nils Gulliksson. |
Paradox is in the final stages of three international gaming projects,
and initiated work on Warzone Online in December. W.O. is an exciting
project, since it contains content, technology and design that will redefine
online gaming, according to Nils Gulliksson. |
Informationsmöte: Bolaget och dess nye VD Nils Gulliksson inbjuder till
informationsmöte onsdagen den 19 januari 2000, kl 09.00 på bolagets kontor,
Åsögatan 121,5tr. Besök gärna Paradox Entertainments på
www.paradox-entertainment.com |
The company invites all to an informational meeting Wednesday, 19 January
2000, at 9:00 o'clock at the company office, Asogatan 121. Please visit the
company website. |
For more information please contact Nils Gulliksson at nils.g@paradoxplaza.com. |
For more information please contact Nils Gulliksson at nils.g@paradoxplaza.com. |
Translation courtesy of Sven Nore'n |