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Playable Napoleonic Wargames

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Those 1:144 Planes at Wal-Mart

You can buy miniatures at Wal-Mart?

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A Good-Looking Army in a Reasonable Amount of Time

Painting a wargaming army is a completely different beast from painting a single miniature for display.

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The Simtac Tour

The Editor is invited to tour the factory of Simtac, a U.S. manufacturer of figures in nearly all periods, scales, and genres.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

Most items due into the shoppe in a couple weeks. If you wish to pick up your order at the shoppe, please call ahead to ensure we are open.

As this time of year becomes a bit hectic, we urge you to place your orders as soon as possible.

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Bolt Action: Starter Set

Bolt Action: Starter Set

Designed specifically to introduce the fundamentals of the Bolt Action WWII skirmish rules. Contents: Full-color 68-page book – The Bolt Action Field Manual; twelve 28mm plastic German Grenadiers; twelve 28mm plastic U.S. Rangers; plastic Ruined Farmhouse Scenery; Game Token Punchboard; Double-sided Gaming Mat (30 x 22.4 inch approximately); Six Bolt Action Order Dice (3 Gray/3 Olive Drab); Eight six-sided dice; Dice Bag; and Cardboard insert that doubles as an in-game bunker. $68.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $61.20 USD.


The Life & Ship Models of Norman Ough

The Life & Ship Models of Norman Ough

Norman Ough is considered by many as the greatest ship modeler of the 20th Century. His exquisite drawings and meticulous models are regarded as masterpieces of draughtsmanship, workmanship and realism; they are truly works of art. Incorporates many of his original articles from Model Maker Magazine and detailed line drawings to present an extraordinary level of practical information, as well as an inspiring panorama of WWI and WWII warship models. $29.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $24.65 USD.
M.I.9: The Official History of the Secret Escape & Evasion Organisation

M.I.9: The Official History of the Secret Escape & Evasion Organisation

Includes details of the lectures given to troops on how to avoid capture if on the run in enemy-occupied territory, and of secret equipment issued to them to help them escape, such as silk maps and comprehensive escape kits. Provides stories from servicemen that escaped and returned to the U.K., which was used to teach troops how they too could evade capture. Such stories helped show servicemen how to forge documents, how to travel through enemy-occupied countries without being detected, what disguises could be used that would not attract the attention of the enemy, and provided lists of local people willing to help escapers – and this included Pope Pius XII. The troops were also instructed how to write coded messages in letters to the U.K. from PoW camps. Contains 16 mono illustrations. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.
Great British Commanders: Leadership, Strategy & Luck

Great British Commanders: Leadership, Strategy & Luck

Analyzes 34 British commanders, from Boudica to Bomber Harris, reflecting on their personal stories. Short biographical essays cover a sweep of British history from the epic story of Queen Boudica in Roman Britain, to the generals, admirals, and air marshals of WWII. Their styles of leadership and their strategies – or in some cases lack of – are examined as they throw themselves on fortune. Covers a variety of commanders, such as King Alfred, William the Conqueror, Henry V, Cromwell, Marlborough, Wellington, Walter Raleigh, Sir John Moore, General John Gort, Lady Aethelflaid of Mercia, the Empress Matilda, Sir William Marshal, and Cuthbert Collingwood. Contains eight black-and-white illustrations. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.
Scotland's Contribution to Naval & Military Medicine & Surgery

Scotland's Contribution to Naval & Military Medicine & Surgery

Outlines the contributions Scottish doctors made to military and naval medicine from the 18th Century to WWI. Each chapter is based on a presentation made to an online symposium held by the Scottish Society of the History of Medicine in association with the History Society of the Royal Society of Medicine. Gives new insights into established leaders, as well as providing accounts of less well-known figures. Contains 15 black-and-white illustrations, 14 black-and-white photos, 25 color illustrations, four color photos, four black-and-white maps, one color map, and two tables. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
Tunneling Commander on the Western Front: Major Alexander Sanderson DSO, MC and Bar in Two World Wars

Tunneling Commander on the Western Front: Major Alexander Sanderson DSO, MC & Bar in Two World Wars

Explores the life of Major Alexander Sanderson DSO, MC & Bar, MiD – one of the ablest and most experienced mining engineers to serve on the Western Front in WWI. His first Military Cross was awarded for his role during the Battle of Fromelles in July 1916, during which he was wounded by shellfire while repairing an explosive charge in No Man's Land. His second MC and wound stripe were awarded after a successful night-time raid to destroy enemy shafts. Details how the Australians constructed a vast network of defensive subways for the infantry from La Bassee to Hill 70. Sanderson's defensive Hythe Tunnel, constructed in 1918, complete with pivoting bascule doors and sliding internal walls, was considered one of the finest tunnels on the Western Front. During the Blitz in WWII, Sanderson was put in charge of repairs to the bomb-damaged London Underground. Such was his tunnelling skills, he was also a consultant structural engineer for both the Cabinet War Rooms and Churchill's underground bunker, following which Winston presented him with a box of his cigars as a token of the Prime Minister's appreciation. Contains 16 color and mono illustrations. $55.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $46.75 USD.
The Celtic Tribes: Origins, Ancestry & The Warrior Class

The Celtic Tribes: Origins, Ancestry & The Warrior Class

Traces Celtic migrations westward over the centuries and their advances into the Atlantic coastal regions, especially into countries like France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Britain and Ireland, largely replacing the Neolithic people that formerly occupied these territories. Describes the many inter-tribal and territorial confrontations that occurred during the Roman period. Explains the fighting methods, tactics, and style of Celtic warfare; as well as the warrior leaders like Boudicca, Brennus, Ambiorix and Vercingetorix, and others who emerged to resist Roman incursions. Several hundred ancient Celtic and other related tribes are included. Although each had its own distinct identity, they shared a common culture with a widespread and unifying system of religious belief largely held together by Druids. The tribes described in the book include Gauls, Germans, Galat. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
Emperor Leo III the Isaurian: Imperial Saviour, Christian Icon Breaker?

Emperor Leo III the Isaurian: Imperial Saviour, Christian Icon Breaker?

Reassesses Emperor Leo III's reign, focusing on his military, religious and political challenges in stabilizing the Roman Empire. Considers how Leo dealt with the numerous rebellions, as well as the extent to which his own policies caused them. Space is given to the great religious development of his reign, the initiation of Iconoclasm, its impact on the empire, and its tainting of the reputation of Leo and much of his dynasty. Also considers various aspects of Leo's administration: coinage, provincial infrastructure, civil law, and foreign policy. Contains 24 mono illustrations. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
King Arthur's Country: One Land, Two Kings & Two Centuries That Changed Britain Forever

King Arthur's Country: One Land, Two Kings & Two Centuries That Changed Britain Forever

Uses historical and archaeological evidence, much of it new, to explore the link between Arthur's kingdom and the rise of Penda's Mercia. They seek to locate lost Arthurian battlefields and understand what happened there, with exciting new results. Examines one region, two kings, and two centuries that changed England forever. Contains 70 mono illustrations. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
A 17th Century Knight: The Life & Times of Simonds D'Ewes

A 17th Century Knight: The Life & Times of Simonds D'Ewes

Seeks to chart the life of Simonds D'Ewes as a husband, father, friend, antiquary and devout Protestant. Also endeavors to weave a fresh narrative of the first half of the 1600s, including the English Civil War, using D'Ewes's experiences and wealth of written material as a focal point. Details how Simonds D'Ewes rose through local, legal and political ranks to become a first-hand witness to a succession of monumental events in England. As MP for Sudbury from 1640, he was one of those who saw with agonizing immediacy the rapid decline of the political situation in the mid-1600s. Simonds held his breath along with the rest when Charles I forcibly entered the Commons in 1642, and he was there to survey the stunning rise of Oliver Cromwell through the 1640s. When civil war arrived, D'Ewes observed the battle lines being drawn before his very eyes. Contains 16 mono illustrations. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
The Last Jacobites: Heroes, History & Culture After the Battle of Culloden

The Last Jacobites: Heroes, History & Culture After the Battle of Colloden

Explores the enduring legacy of Jacobitism, its influence, and its romantic revival across Europe. Even though many Jacobites perished after the Battle of Culloden, Jacobite networks flourished in France and Scandinavia. Exiles joined the military as far afield as Spain and even Russia, while others formerly loyal to the cause found themselves in the New World, either banished by the British state or willing emigrants hoping for a better life. Jacobitism arose again as a romantic ideal in the 19th Century, surprisingly revived by the Hanoverian royal family, which had displaced the Stuarts. Contains 30 mono illustrations. $37.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $31.45 USD.
The Jacobite Rising of 1715 & the Murray Family: Brothers in Arms

The Jacobite Rising of 1715 & the Murray Family: Brothers in Arms

A look at the earlier years of the Murrays at the end of the 17th and early 18th centuries sheds light on the family dynamics, and helps explain how and why the brothers made the decisions they did. Based in Perthshire, the Murray family played an important role in all Jacobite rebellions, whether as rebels or supporters of the government. During the Great Rising of 1715, the head of the family, the Duke of Atholl, remained loyal to the Hanoverian government but three of his sons were Jacobites. Two of these brothers then went on to play major roles in the 1719 Rising and in the more famous '45. Contains 20 black-and-white illustrations. $30.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $25.50 USD.
Fighting With Napoleon's Light Infantry: The Memoirs of Captain Vincent Bertrand 1805-1815

Fighting With Napoleon's Light Infantry: The Memoirs of Captain Vincent Bertrand 1805-1815

First published in 1909 by Bertrand's grandson, this is the first translation from French into English. Biography of a French infantryman who survived the key campaigns of Napoleon. Called to arms through conscription, he was directed from his hometown of Nimes to the depot of the 7th Light Infantry Regiment in Huningue. His recollections focus on his loves, adventures and mishaps, as well as the pride of being part of an elite unit. Bertrand's unfailing bravery and composure are evident throughout his memoirs, demonstrating character, discipline and patience, as well as dedication to his regiment and its values and standards. Gives sincere accounts of his time on the battlefields, in the cantonments in Austria, in Germany, in Poland, and finally of the painful stages of his captivity as an Austrian prisoner of war. Contains 16 color illustrations. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
A Scot at War With Wellington: The Memoir of Captain James Stirling of the Black Watch

A Scot at War With Wellington: The Memoir of Captain James Stirling of the Black Watch

Captain James Stirling's journals offer a first-hand account of the 42nd Regiment's actions during the Peninsular War. These revealing journals cover Captain James Stirling's period of active service with the 42nd Foot, as well as the time he served with the Portuguese forces until the end of 1813. His sudden death prevented him from completing the record of his service with the Portuguese Army in 1814. Explanatory notes are provided by the author throughout to add extra context to Stirling's commentary, making this book accessible for both the historian and enthusiast. Contains 16 color illustrations. $60.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $51.00 USD.
Portugal 1808: Wellington's First Peninsular Campaign

Portugal 1808: Wellington's First Peninsular Campaign

Explores how Napoleon's usurpation of Spain's Burbon throne in early 1808, coupled with brutal suppression generated resentment and turned Spain, a long-term enemy of Britain, into a British ally. Sir Arthur Wellesley's expedition to South America was promptly canceled and redirected to the Peninsular. Covers Wellesley's early victories in Portugal, including the battles of Rolica and Vimiero, and the controversial Convention of Cintra. Contains 70 mono illustrations. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
Solomon's Air War: Volume 3 – Guadalcanal: From the Brink November – December 1942

Solomon's Air War: Volume 3 – Guadalcanal: From the Brink November – December 1942

This third volume of Solomons Air War chronicles aerial warfare in the Solomon Islands theater during the months of November and December 1942. It can be read alone or as part of the ongoing Solomons Air War series. Details how the Americans were pushed to the brink by the Japanese as the frenzied activity known as the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal played out over November 12-15. This period saw new tactics being tested – including the use of P-38s as long-range escort fighters and the first PBY-5A Black Cat missions. Meanwhile, the Cactus Air Force expanded with an influx of P-40s, B-26s, OS2U Kingfishers, and RNZAF Hudsons. Written using primary Allied and Japanese archives and other sources to give a factual and highly detailed account of all aspects of the Solomons air campaign. $49.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $41.65 USD.
The Price of Victory: Memoir of the Commander of the 1st Polish Armored Division

The Price of Victory: Memoir of the Commander of the 1st Polish Armored Division

General Stanislaw Maczek's stirring memoir captures the elan, the sacrifice, and the disappointed hopes of the Polish soldiers who fought alongside the Allies during the Second World War. As Commander of the 10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade in the September 1939 campaign, his men played a crucial role in resisting the German advance, before crossing into Hungary with orders to rebuild the Polish Army on French soil. Fighting a further rearguard action during the 1940 Allied retreat, he and his men escaped to Britain. In February 1942, Maczek assumed command of 1st Polish Armoured Division, created out of the Polish forces which had been training in Scotland since 1940. In July 1944, the Division landed in Normandy and was responsible for closing the Falaise Gap at Mont Ormel and Chambois. Thereafter, it fought on through Belgium and Holland, ultimately accepting the surrender of the German Navy at Wilhelmshaven. Contains 16 mono illustrations. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
Against the Odds 2022 Annual: Stalingrad – Verdun on the Volga

Against the Odds 2022 Annual: Stalingrad – Verdun on the Volga

Wargame. Upgrade of the classic Stalingrad: Verdun on the Volga provides more of the Stalingrad situation than players are used to, while reducing complexity. Only three units types (infantry, armor and pioneer) use a new movement system that ends movement points and includes momentum movement. Unit scale is roughly regimental, with some battalion-sized formations. Offers a more realistic modeling of German combat attrition and a much more accurate Soviet order of battle based on most recent publications of post-Cold War Soviet sources. Includes a five-turn basic game, a tournament game, and a historical option that mandates the Germans capture all the areas along the river, where players may agree to play through to an automatic German victory or the end of Turn 15 with no consideration of victory points. Contents: Full-color 17 x 44 inch double-sided area mapsheet; 330+ full-color ⅝" die-cut counters; 24 page rules; Separate quick set-up charts on cardstock; Separate reinforcement charts on cardstock; New AV/DV Tracking Chart; Playing Aid Chart; New introductory and Operation Hubertus scenarios; Complexity – Medium; Playing time – Up to 3 to 4 hours; Solitaire – Average difficulty. $65.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $58.50 USD.
Break Contact, Continue Mission

Break Contact, Continue Mission

Novel written by a special-forces veteran of U.S. Special Forces' Recon Team Iowa. First published in 1990, this classic account of Military Assistance Command Vietnam, Studies and Observation Group, brings his experiences and those of fellow MACV-SOG soldiers to a wider audience at a time when their dedication and sacrifice was little known. The small, tight recon teams – each comprising three U.S. soldiers and five to seven indigenous allies – undertook some of the most hazardous missions of the war. They would operate for hours or days in areas controlled by the North Vietnamese in order to collect essential intelligence on the enemy's disposition. The unit would receive many accolades, but also suffer sky-high casualties. Contains a new author's note and epilogue. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.

Don't Forget the Magazines…

Wargames Illustrated: Issue # 445 Includes Free <em>Bolt Action</em> Sprue

Wargames Illustrated: Issue # 445 Includes Free Bolt Action Sprue

Theme: Enhancing Figures and Bases: Turnip28 Toffs and Toadies: How to paint neat and precise mess on some converted Turnip28 figures; A Nostaligic Love Letter in Miniature: Painting Airfix Napoleonic Highlanders; Desert Bases: Sandy options; MDF Scenic Enhancement: Simple terrain pieces gain realism; Building Middle-earth: The House of Beorn; Build For Yourself A City: Bronze Age terrain; Making Renaissance Galleys: Producing Renaissance galleys and lanternas. Features: The Mad Trapper of Rat River: Northwest Canada manhunt through the dangerous wilderness conditions; Was There A Man Dismayed? warring factions for the Crimean War; The Other Partizan Part 2: Wargame show covers WWI, AWI, Middle-earth, Napoleonics, and other games; Midgard: Heroic Battles Deep Dive: Look at the new rules; Bang! The origins of gunpowder, its early uses, and how to make your early period games pop; Matchlocks in Notts: Never Mind the Matchlocks battle report; Six Months of Life: July 16, 1835 Battle of Mendigorria – largest battle of the Carlist Wars. Departments: Observation Post: Latest Saga book and a selection of Wargames Atlantic plastics; Release Radar: New and upcoming wargaming items; Quick Fire: WI readers discuss their hobby projects, notes, news and observations. $10.00 USD

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