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We've just received the January issue of Slingshot, the official journal of the Society of Ancients.

Slingshot issue 232

This issue includes:

Presidential Address
by Phil Halewood. Message from the incoming president
Minutes of The Annual General Meeting of The Society of Ancients
From the September 27th meeting
Society of Ancients Battle Day, Saturday 3 April 2004
Announcement of Gaugamela event - "probably the biggest refight ever."
The Lydian Imperial Army - Part 2
by Mark Trengove. Covering chariots, national infantry, mercenaries and levies, allies, war dogs, and sieges. Appendix on textiles.
Ancient art depicting elements of the Lydian army
The Accuracy of the Shield Emblems in the Notitia Dignitatum: Some Thoughts on Recent Research
by Jim Sye. The Notitia Dignitatum is our best source, but it is also flawed.
Non-Developments in the Roman Legion - A Heresy
by Stewart Hey. Responses to points made in previous issues.
Early Cambodia
by John Walsh. Brief introduction to Cambodia from pre-history to the early centuries of the Christian era.
When in Rome... Part 2: Zama 202 BC
by Steven Neate. Creating a DBM scenario based on the Battle of Zama (Punic Wars).
DBX Squared - Returning Wargaming to Its Roots
by Adrian Clarke. Introduces variant rules intended to reduce commanders' attention on individual elements by substituting a grid-based movement system.
Warbands in Armati - A Few Thoughts
by Graham Evans. Solutions for the warband problem in Armati.
Just Limpin' Along: Wargaming with Timurids
by Gareth Griffiths. Diary of wargaming experiences with the army of one of "the greatest generals of the ancient or medieval world" under DBM.
The Battle of Orcyni 319 BC
by Jeff Champion. DBM scenario.
El Cid: The Struggle for Valencia
by James Morris. Report from an ongoing Warhammer Ancient Battles campaign.
The Battle Near Jerusalem 57 BC
by Steven Neate. Scenario for Strategos.
Strategos: Optional Rules
by Philip Sabin. The designer proposes optional rules to cure "two potential wrinkles."
DBA Campaign: Italian Condotta Fifteenth Century
by Chris Smith. Rules for a simple wargaming campaign.
A State of Mind: A Comparison of DBM and Vis Bellica
by Michael Tittensor. When selecting between these rulesets, this reviewer says that "it all depends on your state of mind."
Trireme article
Trireme (a Bit of Naval Fluff)
by David Carruthers. Simple rules for ancient naval combat.
Toward DBM 4
by Tom Worden. Discussion of how cavalry should be treated in the next edition.
The Best-Laid Schemes o' Mice an' Men
by Frank Kean. Armati battle report (Britons vs Romans).
battle map
The Slingshot Review
Capsule reviews of Roman Cavalry Equipment (Tempus), Weapons of the Romans (Tempus), assorted sword books, Byzantium Endures (Crusader Worlds), Warrior (Four Horsemen Enterprises), Biblical Warrior Army Lists (Four Horsemen Enterprises), Alexander the Great (Warhammer Historical Wargames), 28mm Macedonians (Bronze Goat), Late Achaemenid Persian Range (Baccus 6mm)
Letters from readers.