From Joshua Rowe
PDF – $7.99 USD

A scenario book for the rules War is our Homeland, and the scenarios within can't be played without a copy of those rules. While the scenarios were designed with War is our Homeland in mind, with a little tweaking they will work great with your rules of choice.
The scenarios are all battles from the French Intervention in the Thirty Years War, from 1635 to 1648. The seven historical scenarios within have all been researched, designed and carefully playtested. Each scenario is laid out in the manner described in the rulebook, which is intuitive and easy to follow. I really hope you enjoy it!
I am not a historian, but a hobbyist with an interest in the period. The goal of these scenarios is to capture the decisions made by the commanders during these battles and to give players an idea of what challenges the player's historical counterparts faced.