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Exclusive Mini for Bayou Wars XI

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28mm Captain Boel Umfrage

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4,031 hits since 15 May 2003

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Lyon Studio of Bayou Wars writes:

Bayou Wars XI is a miniatures wargame convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on June 13th, 14th and 15th, 2003.

Bayou Wars features numerous historical and fantasy miniature wargames, tournaments, and board games. The tournaments include the various DBx systems and Rogue Trader 40k. Prizes for the tournaments as well as painting competitions will be awarded.

There are many dealers in attendance as well as a miniature sculpting demonstration.

Exclusive Bayou Wars Miniature

A special miniature, Augie the Alligator Centurion (35mm), will be exclusively available at Bayou Wars this year.

For Events, Registration, and Accomodations information visit: