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3rd Edition for Mahdist Wars Source Book, Volume 1

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Atheling writes:

Oh yes…… this will be added to my collection of Sudan Source material!!

Can't wait to get a copy!


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3,825 hits since 19 Feb 2015

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP of The Virtual Armchair General writes:

MWSB 3rd Edition Volume 1 Cover

Already a standard reference among wargamers of the Sudan, the MWSB deserved a more professional presentation and reorganization. Thoroughly re-edited for typos, hasty layout, and superior graphics, Volume One has now been expanded to 182 pages, with more and different full-color maps, tables, and additional uniform plates. Particularly useful contemporary illustrations and photos new to the work, in color and black-and-white, have been printed large to facilitate study, and new tactical maps and schematics have also been provided over – large to help readers grasp the details. Indeed, few of the original black-and-white illustrations remain, replaced instead by more specific examples, many in color.

Though no new text has been added to either volume, Volume One has a new section of contemporary illustrations of those Royal Navy vessels, which provided firepower and sealift for operations around Suakin, complete with ship's stats, and Volume Two will have a new section of data and illustrations on weapons used by European and Mahdist Armies.

The numbers of maps and tactical diagrams have all been expanded, while the detailed battle studies, and appendices providing information of every sort, also remain. Uniform, organizational and tactical data for the Egyptians, Bashi-Bazouks, and British are included in Volume 1, and an entire section dedicated to the dress and equipment of the Guards Camel Corps that spearheaded the Gordon Relief Expedition. New maps of and photos of the defenses of Suakin are included, perfect for gamers to transfer to the tabletop, as well other other famous actions.

Battle of Kirbekan Tactical Map

Finally, the complete Orders of Battle, from Hicks Pasha at Shaykan, to the Battle of Ginnis from the Andrew Preziosi Collection remain, but with illustrations of many of the key Generals & Officers now included. Full details of units, their strength, officers, and organization are still in one place and not to be found elsewhere.

And despite the complete make-over, additional pages, and color throughout the work, the original price of $35.00 USD remains!

The MWSB Vol. 1 is now available through the CreateSpace Store at Amazon, and may be ordered directly through the TVAG Webpage.

Volume 2 is still being expanded and similarly improved, and will be also be available through Amazon later this Spring.

MWSB 3rd Edition Volume 2 Cover

If you've been holding off getting your own copy of the MWSB Vol. 1, this is the edition to get for the maximum bang for your hobby buck!

For more information

Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian