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SGD Acquires Tactical Command Games

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Robert Cameron of Strategic Game Design writes:

SGD Press Release 10/9/2000

SGD would like to announce their acquisition of Tactical Command Games line of miniatures games, including Stellar Conflicts and Uprisings, Stellar Fire, and Conflict 2000.

All three games are being expanded and will be re-released with new editions in the near future, starting with Stellar Conflicts in the first quarter of 2001.

All miniatures for the Stellar Conflicts line are being redesigned, and will be re-released along with new figures, and will be available at the time the new edition of the game is released.

SGD would like to invite any comments, good or bad, from anyone concerning any TCG product. We are currently re-formating Stellar Conflicts, and any feedback about the game from those that have played it would be greatly appreciated. You are the people that have been playing the rules, and we here at Strategic Game Designs would love to hear your comments. Our design staff is at a stage where we can benefit from any suggestions you might have. Anyone who helps give feedback about the game will get credits in the new edition and free stuff from us!

Designer Mel Beard adds: "15mm will be the primary scale, with 25mm and 6mm designs in the pipeline. Nothing for these other two scales are slated at this time, but ideas and concepts are under way. The rules won't change, but some new additions are in the works. Some of the rules will be cleaned up, and some will be reverted into an advanced/optional section (among other interesting stuff)."