From Skirmisher Publishing
Bundle – $15.17 USD

This very special 80%-off bundle contains two dozen different sets of Cardstock Characters miniatures, which can be printed out and assembled as many times as desired! Several of them also include corresponding tokens and avatars, and we have included as bonus items a few of them with German or Spanish text for anyone who might want them in that languages, as well as a beautiful new set of maps.
Brainlashers (Cardstock Characters)
Children of the Wolf (Cardstock Characters)
Dwarf Soldiery (Miniatures, Tokens & Avatars)
Dwargs (Cardstock Characters)
GEBB Cardstock Characters
Göatter Dämmerung (Cardstock Characters)
Heroes and Monsters of the Necropolis (Cardstock Characters)
Human Troops (Miniatures, Tokens & Avatars)
Lizardfolk Warriors (Miniatures, Tokens & Avatars)
Maps for a Treasure Hoard (36 x 24 x Three)
Men & Monsters of Ethiopia: An RPG Sourcebook for 5th Edition 2: Monsters I'd Like to
(Cardstock Characters)
: Monsters I'd Like to
(Cardstock Characters)
Moorhen le Fay & Her Rat Bodyguards (Cardstock Characters)
Morlocks (Cardstock Characters) (Revised, Updated & Expanded)
Myrmidons (Cardstock Characters)
Newtlings (Cardstock Characters)
Orc Raiders (Miniatures, Tokens & Avatars)
Rabbit Rangers and Harequebusiers (Cardstock Characters)
Sex Cult of Cthulhu (Cardstock Characters)
The Thrasher Gang (Cardstock Characters)
Troll Warband (Cardstock Characters)
Viking Warriors (Cardstock Characters)
Wan-Ti Serpent Folk (Cardstock Characters) (Revised, Updated & Expanded)
Hijos del Lobo: Personajes de Cartulina para Juegos de Rol y Juegos de Guerra (Cardstock Characters)
Menschen & Monster von Äthiopien: Druckbare Figuren für Rollenspiele & Kriegsspiele ("Cardstock Characters")
Ork-Plünderer: Druckbare Figuren für Rollenspiele & Kriegsspiele ("Cardstock Characters")
Total value: $77.73 USD
Special bundle price: $15.95 USD
Savings of: $61.78 USD (79%)