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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Richard Foster, the General Manager of Battlefront Miniatures Ltd., writes:

Press Release: recall of the KV and JSIIs

It was brought to our attention (through our feedback section) some months ago that our KVs were too small. Same too for the JSIIs. We checked and lo and behold they were right. They were about 18% too small.

We have redesigned them all. They are:

W21/R002	KV 1 Heavy Tank
W21/R003	KV 2 Heavy Tank
W21/R014	KV 85 Heavy Tank
W21/R037	KV 1B Heavy Tank, with bolted armour

W21/R013	JSII Heavy Tank
W21/R015	JSU 122 Heavy Tank
W21/R016	JSU 152 Heavy Tank

Some of you out there will have some of these. If you wish, you can send them back to your local retailer or distributor and they will replace them free of charge. This process will start in early January as not all our retailers have them yet.

If you are returning your model/s to them by post you will have to pay postage. They will only pay postage to send the new one/s back to you. Sorry about that.

We see the feedback section as an opportunity for you to have your say. I endeavour to answer every query in a timely fashion and we do check what you say. Since this we have checked other models made prior to 1997 to ensure the plans and scale were correct. I would like to thank John Kennedy and his friends as well as Mal Wright and Les Hunt in Australia for their constructive comments.

At Battlefront we endeavour to get it right. Our product is well researched and the figures are beautifully sculptured. We are always learning and continuing to improve so with your help and suggestions we will have the best models available anywhere in the world.

Thank you

Richard Foster
General Manager
Battlefront Miniatures Ltd.

PS I would also like to point out the new ones look terrific.