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FM74v2 Water Elemental Remastered 1980s Release From Asgard Miniatures

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218 hits since 27 Jun 2024

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Gavin Syme GBS Sponsoring Member of TMP of Alternative Armies writes:

The undines are troublesome things from the smallest who froth the ale in your tankard to the greatest which can overturn a hundred oar galley with ease. Mages claim control of them but I am not so sure. Things so strange to us of flesh and bone; who knows how their briny minds work. As it is many of my men have salt worked into their armor from encounters. Water Elementals… drown them all!
Water Elemental

Now remastered and added to the now nearly complete Fantasy Monsters (FM) range by Asgard Miniatures is the second version of the FM74 Water Elemental, which joins all manner of creatures, Undead, animals and oddities of some 60 poses.

Water Elemental

This any-scale metal one-piece creature stands 45mm tall to the top of its head. Decorated with coral, rope and seaweed, it wields a spear and a net. Our example, painted by talented Studio Maxi with a sculpted sea-base (40mm square). Supplied unpainted and without a base. Shown with a 28mm scale Jes Goodwin Orc and a 15mm knight from the Tabletop 15mm fantasy range.

Devilish Imps

We like to give our customers a treat, so there is always something free in every package shipped out by us here in Scotland. Until July 8th, it is part one of our Devilish Imps; four any-scale miniatures. Read about this in the article here. No catch… totally free in orders.

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