So last week's release that was delayed because it wasn't ready? It's still not ready. So instead, here's another Salute preview.
Another part of our grand 28mm sci-fi scheme is a set of building components – doors, windows, aircon units and other parts so that you can create your own buildings. You can use whatever you like as the base for the building – a simple cardboard or plastic box, an interesting lump of polystyrene, an upturned picture frame, or something more esoteric like a plastic plant pot or unusual piece of plastic packaging. Molded card packaging (the sort of shaped inserts used to hold parts in place inside an outer box) are also fertile ground for SF buildings.

The simple dwelling we've put together as an example is made from a small folding crate which Tony picked it up from a homewares shop in France. It has the perfect look for a prefab building, with its corrugated sides and corner detailing. It's been roofed with a piece of 3mm PVC foam board (Foamex), and we've then added some of our new doors, windows and steps by simply gluing them to the outside with all-purpose adhesive. Yes, the roof looks a little bare, we're waiting on some roof vents to complete the look, then it can be painted.
You can see the original box below in its folded and unfolded state, plus the rear of the building.

The Brigadier looks reasonably pleased with how his new home is coming along…