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Wargame Ruins Shuts Down

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5,368 hits since 22 May 2001

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brent Anderson of Wargame Ruins writes:

I'm sad to announce that Wargame Ruins has gone out of business after only eighteen months. Dipping my toe into the resin model business was actually quite fun and has given me renewed respect for those who make it in this business. I managed to make a small profit after a year in operation, no small feat for a new business venture. Unfortunately I found even minimal exposure to polyurethane vapors to be irritating.

If someone were to ask my advice about the resin model business, I would ask them why they are asking advice from someone who has just gone out of business. Seriously though, I found that the most daunting thing to deal with was a loss of interest in the very love that got me into this to begin with: miniatures. Turning a hobby into a business is treacherous. I found that painting figures, an activity I had previously enjoyed for years, became a chore.

I'm afraid I have zero stock left on hand. The only asset left over are the molds. Some of them are new and have had very few castings pulled from them while other mold sets are really on their last legs. I would consider selling them if the price were right.