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Grail Damsels, Questing Knights New for Bretonnia [WHFB]

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Tim Huckelbery of GW of Games Workshop America announces the release this week in North America of:

Unit of Questing Knights
Questing Knights renounce any claims to lands they own, and the trappings of Bretonnian nobility, in order that they may search for the mystical grail. This includes leaving their lance in their castle as a symbol of their continued protection, and they instead fighting with mighty two-handed swords. Traveling the length and breadth of the Old World, a Grail Knight carries his own baggage and belongings with him, and will have a slightly battered, hardened appearance. Often sporting wild hair, unkempt beards, scars and tattered livery, they look every inch the grizzled campaigners they are.


$45.00 USD / $65.00 CAD

Questing Knights boxed set

This box set comes with 5 Questing Knights including 3 Command models (Champion, Standard Bearer, and Musician).


$9.00 USD / $13.00 CAD

Questing Knight

Contains one Questing Knight

For more information


$13.00 USD / $18.00 CAD

Grail Damsel on horseback
Grail Damsels are the maidens taken by the Fay Enchantress to be taught how to use magic. They are prophetesses and enchantresses, able to use the magic of the heavens and of nature to aid the Bretonnian army and protect them from the malign magic of the foe. Grail Damsels can be on foot or mounted on caparisoned steeds.
Grail Damsel on foot

Each blister pack contains two Damsels, one on foot and one on horseback.

For more information