Nine New Characters for Parroom
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The folks at Parroom Station Miniatures announce:
Parroom Station Miniatures announces the immediate availability of six new
extraordinary personages: The Red Eagle; Miss Rebecca Myst; Dr. Lacklove; his henchman Mr. Cassidy; Professor Moriarty; and surely not least, a certain Virginia Gentleman who has, shall we say, "gone native."
Offerings: Extraordinary Personages
Here we offer an assortment of extraordinary ladies, gentlemen, notable persons, travelers, adventurers, missionaries, traders, and other less savory folk for your enlivening your gaming escapades.
Captain Jack Cole
Dr. Henry Jeckyl
Edward Hyde
The Red Eagle
Miss Rebecca Myst, Agent Provocative
Dr. Lacklove with his Enforcer
Professor Moriarty
Virginia Gentleman Gone Native
Coming Soon: The Automaton Master.
As always, Parroom Station Miniatures are available from The London War Room. |