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Forged in Battle P1000 Ratte Lumbers into Range

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Agis N writes:

@SBminisguy – The rules work from 6mm to 32mm…
So yes the rules could also be used for the 6mm variant.
The basic stats are done but untested. So as soon as I have the model I will paint it up and play some games, then we'll see.

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7,007 hits since 27 Mar 2012

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Biffo the Bear of Forged in Battle writes:

The mighty P1000 Ratte rumbles out of the resin manufacturer's molds and into our warehouse. Have you have ever dreamed of owning a giant, city-crushing tank? Well, now's your chance. Equipped with a spare turret from the Scharnhorst, this nippy runabout can be yours.

P1000 Ratte

Yes, you are right - the Germans never built this amazingly crazy tank, but we have.

The Ratte's primary weapon would have been a dual 280mm SK C/28 gun turret. The turret was to have been a modified Kriegsmarine triple gun turret, removing one of the guns and loading mechanism. Further armament was to consist of a 128mm anti-tank gun of the type used in the Jagdtiger or Maus, two 15mm Mauser MG 151/15 autocannons, and eight 20mm Flak 38 anti-aircraft guns, probably with at least four of them as a quad mount.

What scale is this? 15mm.

How much is it? We need to weigh it, so I'm going to come back to that one soon....

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