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Flames of War: Firestorm Stalingrad

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1,736 hits since 28 Sep 2018

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Battlefront Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP of Battlefront Miniatures writes:

Firestorm Stalingrad logo

Last year, we ran two tremendously fun Firestorm campaigns for Team Yankee. This year, we have one planned for Flames of War players. Welcome to Firestorm: Stalingrad!

Firestorm: Stalingrad recreates the fighting in and around the city of Stalingrad, where the Germans and Soviets fight over every factory, building and city block, whilst outside the city, the Soviet attackers drive to encircle the city, forever cutting off the German Army.

Firestorm Stalingrad

The campaign pack will be available next week, and is designed (much like the previous Team Yankee versions) to be played over the course of a day as a single event, or over a series of nights or club days.

The campaign consists of a series of Flames of War games, in which players attempt to capture areas from the enemy or recover those lost in earlier games.

Each time a player attacks, they place a marker on the map; once all the markers have been used, the campaign is over, and the side with the most victory points wins.

For more information

Text edited by Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP
Graphics edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian