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One-Hour Skirmish Wargames

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Amazon's Bad Kids

At Christmas, the good kids get presents. Ever wondered what happened to the bad kids?

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3Dprinted Jersey Barriers in 28mm

Useful 3D models for concrete barriers.

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Military Playsets at Dollar Tree

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian locates some hard-to-find military toys at the dollar store.

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765 hits since 5 Jun 2023

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

From Righteous Falcon Games

Watermarked PDF – $7.00 USD

Nefarious Absurd Scintillating Games

Welcome to Nefarious Absurd Scintillating Games, better known as N.A.S.G., a miniatures-agnostic skirmish game that pits two opposing warbands against each other in interesting scenarios. Players take on the role of Tactician, the leader of their warband, and of Sponsor, the one responsible for forming your warband. Each player's warband is made up of unique soldier types that make for fun and strategic battles.

N.A.S.G. utilizes familiar gameplay mechanics from other tabletop wargames, including "Alternating Activations," "2D6 Dice System," and its main focus on "Command Points" (CPs). Think of CPs as a resource economy to "Tilt" the course of battle and for each player's Tactician to use their "Tactician Abilities."

For more information