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Warlord Games: "Exciting Konflikt '47 News from Beyond the Rift!"

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603 hits since 27 May 2024

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Warlord Games announces:

Warlord Games are delighted to announce that renowned wargames writer and developer Andy Chambers has recently signed a contract to head up the Konflikt '47 writing and development team! Bringing a vast wealth of experience and expertise, Andy's responsibilities will include developing and guiding the evolving in-game universe, including rules, background, and much more.

Konflikt '47

These are hugely exciting times for Konflikt '47!

Be in the Know!

Konflikt '47

There's many more exciting announcements to come! To be amongst the first to hear about the latest developments, sign up for our new dedicated Konflikt '47 mailing list.

Start Collecting Konflikt '47

Konflikt '47

To celebrate this momentous announcement, we've put together new Start Collecting Bundles for the core Konflikt '47 nations. Each contains a starter set for the relevant army (replete with dice, tokens and rulebook), one of the army's signature walkers for undeniably cool armored punch, and, as an added bonus, an armored officer team absolutely free to lead your new army to tabletop glory!

For more information