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Angel Barracks Releases Free 6mm Sci-Fi Skirmish Rules

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Angel Barracks writes:


Glad you liked some stuff.
Not sure waht you mean by

faffing around with markers and casualties – there must be a neater way.

At any one time a squad should have no more than one marker in play.
Either it has a shaken marker or it does not.

Casualties likewise, either a model is in play or removed as a casualty.
Dead simple, no faff.

Happy yo discuss via e-mail/here if my rules wording is not clear.


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Angel Barracks of Angel Barracks writes:

FUBAR got me hooked on 6mm sci-fi. In fact, it was down to FUBAR being such a good game that I started making my own 6mm sci-fi models. So FUBAR has had a massive influence on Angel Barracks.

Whilst I really like the game, it does have a few things about it that I don't like. I addressed some of those with the House Rules I had available on my website.

But, as Angel Barracks heads deeper into 6mm sci-fi, and as the fluff for Kometenmelodie grows, I thought it about time I did my own set of rules.

So here is the first edition of them:


They are, as you can tell, inspired by FUBAR, and they also draw from my earlier set of black-powder rules for some of the mechanics, as well as a few ideas of my own that hopefully make for a good, fast game.

They are intended to be used with 6mm figures with no more than about 30 figures per side, with a few vehicles in support. They are not meant to be super-detailed, nor do they make any claim to be accurate, if that is even possible with fictional things...

They are simply a set of rules I wrote for my own games with my own figures, and I thought I would share them for free.

When writing them, I have made the assumption that you will be familiar with wargames, and as such, some things have been glossed over.

During the writing and playtesting stage, a few things were changed. A few people on the Yahoo! Group made suggestions that whilst valid, were not what I wanted in my games. As such, I did not put those changes in - however, these rules are for your games now, so if you think something needs to be changed, then change it!

I play the rules as they are, as they are what I like; you should play them the way you like, even if that means changing them.

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