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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Warlord Games announces:

Our sister company, based in Loughborough, England, has a wide range of fantastic figures spanning centuries and scales – today, we're focusing on the recently acquired Murawski Miniatures range of 28mm Napoleonics!

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Pick A Side... Any Side!

Skytrex figures

The Grand Duchy of Baden was a southern German state whose soldiers would fight both for and against France during the Napoleonic Wars. Originally, Baden would oppose Napoleon as part of the First Coalition, before joining the French cause in 1805, only to abandon it in 1813 and become part of the German Confederation in 1815.No matter which side they're on, these soldiers always look great on the tabletop, and are great for adding variety to any force!

For Poland!

Skytrex figures

A short-lived client state set up by Napoleon from formerly Prussian territories, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw existed from 1807 to 1815 and would fight alongside the French against the Austrians and Russians with the hope of a reformed Polish Commonwealth in their hearts. This was not to be, and their soldiers suffered cruelly in the bitter Russian winter. These brave men are a fantastic addition to any French force of the era, or as a standalone army.

Reinforce Bonaparte's Armies!

Skytrex figures

The Vistula Legion, comprising Poles in French service, was one of the more potent foreign formations of the Grande Armée available to Napoleon. Made up of both infantry and the feared lancers, they were skilled, disciplined troops who served with distinction in the Peninsular War, proving themselves the equal of many French units, before being all but destroyed in the disastrous Russian campaign. A perfect addition to any Peninsular French army, the Vistula Legion are an excellent project for the wargamer wanting something a little bit different!

Retreat From Moscow!

Skytrex figures

With his Grande Armée freezing in the bitter Russian winter, cut down by marauding Cossacks, and starving at the end of overstretched supply lines, Napoleon's gamble of invading Russia had failed utterly. Hundreds of thousands would perish in the Retreat from Moscow, and this tragic sight has been portrayed many times in all forms of art, including miniature. This range captures the bleak winter conditions perfectly, and is a must-have for anyone wishing to wargame the invasion of Russia.

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