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Wargames Illustrated Magazine of Wargames Illustrated writes:
- What is Primetime?
- It's just one of the benefits we offer to our WIPrime members – a twice-monthly news and views bulletin from the people who bring you Wargames Illustrated magazine about new and upcoming releases and events in our hobby.
What's in This Issue?
- Test of Honor
- We unbox Warlord Games latest stand-alone Samurai skirmish game.
- Desert Rats and Africa Korps Intelligence Handbooks
- Hot off the press we 'flipthrough' the latest army books for Flames of War.
- Perry Miniatures Zulu War British
- Take a closer look at sprue shots and view 360-spins of these forthcoming figures from Perry Miniatures.
- IS 2 Tank
- An unboxing of the latest tank release by Warlord Games – The Russian IS 2 for Bolt Action.
- Marlborough's Wars Box Sets
- Warlord Games have tweaked and re-released the Wargames Factory plastic War of Spanish Succession figures and added them to their Marlborough's Wars range. Check out the sprue shots here.
- 1:72nd Numidians
- Schilling-Figuren boast a massive range of metal figures in various scales, we take a look at some of their new Numidian Warriors.
- What are the other benefits of being a WIPrime member?
- Online access to 354 issues of Wargames Illustrated Magazine, including the latest one. Discounts on products (from us and other manufacturers) and free digital publications – including Swordpoint, free copies of Team Yankee and more!
- Quick, tell me how I sign up for this fantastic service?
- Just follow this link to find out more and sign up.
- One last question – why isn't all this free?
- Because the guy who spends all day doing it claims he has to feed his family, and stuff.
Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Editor in Chief Bill