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Napoleonic War: Napoleon, Wellington & Blucher

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unknown member writes:

The three commanders at Waterloo: the one who won, the one who almost won and the one who did not lose.

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unknown member of Tradition of London writes:

Napoleonic War Napoleon, Wellington & Blucher In our 54mm Series

Napoleonic War Napoleon, Wellington and Blucher In our 54mm Series

Also available without base and unpainted.

His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden & Her Majesty The Queen with The Grenadier Guards

His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden and Her Majesty The Queen with The Grenadier Guards

Svea Livgarde was one of the world's oldest regiments still in existence, dating back to the year 1521 when the men of Dalarna chose 16 young men as bodyguards for Gustav Vasa.

The Guards Battalion's Life Company is the world's oldest company. Since the year 1523 the section, now enlarged, has been known as the Royal Corps of Halberdiers and, under various names, the regiment has had its natural home at the Palace in Stockholm.

The Halberdiers were transformed in 1619 into the Household Company, which accompanied Gustavus Adolphus wherever he went in Europe. It was from this time too that the unit was classed as a regiment. In 1633, the company brought the king's body home from Lützen and thereafter formed the basis of Queen Christina's new guards regiment within the royal household.

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