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PicoArmor at Historicon 2013

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kallman writes:

ooooo shinny! Hmmm…if I was going to be at H-con I would be tempted to take on yet another scale/size. Those tiny minis look very nice. Cool buildings as well.

Areas of Interest

American Civil War
19th Century
World War One
World War Two on the Land
World War Two at Sea
World War Two in the Air
Science Fiction

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6,321 hits since 13 Jul 2013

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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John Siewenie Sponsoring Member of TMP of PicoArmor writes:

PicoArmor will have Oddzial Osmy 3mm and 15mm miniatures and Brigade Models 2mm buildings on display and available for sale at Historicon 2013, July 18-21.

900 cuirassiers

This four-day convention is being held at The Fredericksburg Expo and Conference Center in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Battalion 6

PicoArmor will have large displays of painted and mounted 3mm ACW and Napoleonics by Forward March Studios.

ACW battery

We will have Assault Publishing's new ruleset PMC 2640 for sale, as well.

The Phalanx Consortium will have initial product greens and promotional information available in our booth for their Create Worlds in Context series of modular buildings.

Please Visit Us at Booth #210!

For more information