Take Another Look at Lancashire Games!
15% off! Boost your armies or start a new period.
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Standard packs to Army packs: 10mm, 15/18mm, 20mm and 28mm.

10% off painting.
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News Flash: Hinchliffe Horse & Musket New Site
After months and lots of hard work since the site crashed, the new site is Live!
So not only can you get your fill of the 25mm Biblical, Ancients, Medieval, Renaissance and ECW from Lancashire Games.
Now back on the market are 25mm Seven Years War, AWI, Napoleonic, ACW and Colonial. Follow this link for these ranges.
Coming Soon:
10mm Assyrians on pre-release early next year.
Others We Are Working on:
15mm Russian Seven Years War
10mm Napoleonics Dutch-Belgian and Hanoverian
10mm Biblical – Assyrians
10mm Medieval – War of the Roses
15mm Venexia Louis the 14th
25mm Hinchliffe Additions
For more details of these and our other ranges and services:
Lancashire Games, Little Wars, Hinchliffe, Venexia, Blaze Away & SGMM
10mm, 15/18mm, 20mm, 25mm