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18mm Americans in the Dark World War

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FlyXwire writes:

TY for the info, and we'll keep an eye out for notice of the release.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Slave2Gaming Sponsoring Member of TMP of Slave 2 Gaming writes:

G'day, Once Again, From the Slave Dungeon!

This month sees a start of a whole bunch of new Dark World War product coming out. To start this off, we see the release of the basics for the American Expeditionary Force.

Uncle Sam

We've had the American cavalry out for some time, and have been slowly building the other three forces up into workable armies. Now it's time to expand this into the basic units that are needed to play a United States force in the Dark World War.

Once again, these figures have been beautifully sculpted by the very talented Mike Broadbent.

The first new release is the American Expeditionary Force Infantry pack. These come as a pack of 15 figures, including the unit sergeant, a light machinegun, and two grenadiers. This pack retails for $20.00 AUD.


The next pack that we see are the AEF Heavy Machine Gun Unit, a pack of three multi part figures that includes the nice idea of the ammo belt actually fitting into the gun. This pack also sells for $20.00 AUD.


The third pack is the AEF Mortar Unit, which, like the Heavy Machine Gun, is also a pack of three multi-part figures. This pack sells for $20.00 AUD.


The final pack is the single Junior Officer figure, the backbone of the Infantry Company in the Dark World War game, allowing orders to be given to any unit within its zone of control. This pack sells for $2.00 AUD.


All these figures can be found in both the New Stuff and Dark World War AEF sections of the Slave 2 Gaming site.

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Text edited by Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP
Graphics edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian