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Free Scenario: Clash at Lang Son - Vichy French Defend against Japanese 1940

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Patient Zero writes:

Vichyites vs Japanese? It's one of those 'it is pity they can't both lose' moments.

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HRGWORLDS of HRG Worlds writes:

In September of 1940, the Vichy Government bowed to Japanese pressure and signed an accord that granted limited access to Japanese forces into their colonial possession of French Indo-China. These forces would be allowed at specified air and naval bases, were limited to 6,000 troops, and could not enter French Indo-China except as explicitly authorized by Vichy officials in advance.

Within hours of the accord being signed, however, reinforced elements of the Japanese 5th Infantry Division, of the Army of Canton, crossed the border at three points and moved to take the rail junction at Lang Son - some 16 kilometers inside French Indo-China. This move caught Vichy authorities by surprise, and initiated a crisis. The Japanese columns pushed aside company-sized border units, with two of the columns moving to take Lang Son.

French General Mennerat's 2nd Brigade was responsible for the Lang Son region, and he moved swiftly to consolidate his forces in the area. Utilizing interior lines as well as the leisurely pace of the Japanese advance, he was able to bring together his entire brigade.

With the knowledge that he could be surrounded, General Mennerat deployed his forces to cover key positions while still offering himself some hope of withdrawal. Vichy Command, however, was desperately trying to control the Japanese advance, so ordered General Mennerat to hold at all costs.

The Battle for Lang Son was about to begin.

You will find the complete, free scenario in our Free Scenarios folder in the files section of the PANZERKORPHQ Yahoo! Group - or visit This is a unique and engaging scenario that will sure entertain, if not perplex, the French as they attempt to do the seemingly impossible.

Lang Son Scenario

The terrain and the force mix will present many hours of fun! You might want to try the scenario a few times and see if the results are similar. Don't forget to post an After Action Report on the battle or any comments to the creators of the scenario.

Lang Son map

Although designed for the Panzer Korps divisional warfare miniatures system, players can use it as a reference for other rulesets.

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