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Halfling Archers: Defenders of Halfton on Kickstarter

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341 hits since 12 Feb 2025

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Midlam Miniatures Sponsoring Member of TMP of Midlam Miniatures writes:

A new Halfling troop of archers is being trained!

The hills are alive… with the cries of Goblins! Or at least so the rumor goes in Halfton. Someone definitely saw what looked like a Goblin lurking around the hills, and they told their cousin, who passed the news onto the local baker. From there, the news has spread as fast as Farmer Greenpasture's award-winning butter on Ma Baker Muggins' signature hot crumpet.

In response to this, as support for the Halfling domestic infantry, the training of a crack team of archers has been commissioned.

Halfling Archers

Halfling Archers

Here we have two sets of seven Halfling archers for all of your fantasy games. There is an additional stretch-goal archer for each band.

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