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Aetherpunk28 Spellbound Gazette Issue 1 Available

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Spellbound Gazette
In a time almost forgotten, the world was whole. From their seats at Avantir, the council of Wizards shared their gift of magic with the world, founding the great magical colleges. It was a time of wonder, prosperity, and progress. In their hubris, the council failed to consider the costs of their actions. They failed to realize that their powers were finite, until, rather predictably, it was too late, and they were too dependent on magic to function without it. With magic beginning to deteriorate, so too did the bonds between the colleges.

Aetherpunk28 is a post-apocalyptic wizard skirmish game, where colleges of wizards battle one another in the ruins of their world, fighting over what little magic is left after the end of the world.

This first official expansion to the game includes rules for campaigns, including an exploration campaign allowing players to take their colleges into the depths of the Elderwood, an ancient Eldritch forest filled with fairy creatures and mutant horrors. Also included are the rules to build a Feyling Court, a new faction native to the area, and bonus missions and rules to enhance your games.

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