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New Releases: 28mm Spartan Guard

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wipgamesandminiatures Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Thanks for your kind words piper909

You are more than welcome to the Persian, and you're right, the first of them will be released very soon.

Enjoy your new miniatures, and I hope they bring you lots of luck on the tabletop!


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wipgamesandminiatures Sponsoring Member of TMP of WiP Games and Miniatures writes:

New from WiP Games and Miniatures – 28mm Spartan Royal Guards available now as single miniatures, ten duplicates, and also as our amazing value Unit Builders.

We have a good selection of Royal Guard available now in various armor and helmet types.

Spartan Royal Guard

Unit Builders

Each 28mm Unit Builder contains 30 assorted miniatures (including shields, where appropriate) of the type specified, and from our current available range, for just £30.00 GBP.

Unit Builders contain a good mix of all of the current poses for the troop type chosen, and as we add more variety to each of our ranges, these will also be included automatically.

Duplicate Packs

And don't forget that all of our miniatures are also available as ten duplicates for just £10.00 GBP, which allows you to build units in more specific poses, whilst still at our amazing prices.

Single Miniatures

Alternatively, for total control of your warbands, units or armies, every one of our miniatures can be bought singly for just £1.50 GBP!

For more information