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New 40mm Pre-Painted Plastic Wargame Miniatures

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Enry MItchell writes:

Anyone who thinks £50 for 10 plastic toy soldiers is a "nice price" must be so rich as to have lost touch with reality.

All I can say is: Can I have £5000 please? (go on, it's only the same as a few pints surely?)

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11,433 hits since 9 Nov 2011

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Fortress Singapore of Expeditionary Force (Singapore) writes:

Expeditionary Force of Singapore, a newly established company, has announced the release of a new range of wargame miniatures in 40mm size. The miniatures are made of non-toxic plastics, and painted to authentic historical color shades and ready for out-of-the-box play. The first range is that for the Dark Ages, covering the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxon soldiers of Alfred the Great.

40mm size
The Anglo-Saxons
The Vikings

Visit the company's website at