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Siege Perilous
Siege Perilous is not a stand-alone game. It requires the Kill Team and/or other rules from Games Workshop to play. This is a background and setting document with some guidelines for running a club-based, narrative campaign for Kill Team.

The Old Guard Stars have been tenuously in the grasp on the Imperium for millennia. The light of the Astronomican is faint, and travel in these distant realms is treacherous. This far from Holy Terra, the people of the Imperium find themselves at the forefront of Humanities' war with the xeno, mutant and heretic. Beyond the Eastern Fringe of the Old Guard Stars is Wilderspace, uncharted and unclaimed regions of the Galaxy. Even the Sectors, sub-sectors and systems that are under Imperial control house large swathes of untamed and dangerous territory.

Out here, communication between worlds is difficult. The Astropaths must penetrate through Warp storms and other disturbances. It is unreliable at the best of times. Travel is even more difficult. This is the purvey of the fickle Rogue Trader houses, a few Chartist Captains, and even more rarely the Imperial Navy itself. The worlds in the Old Guard Stars often find themselves isolated and alone; only their own strength of arms and faith in the Emperor left to protect them.

At the fringe of the Imperium, there is a battle for control of a city. A city under siege. The dread forces of Chaos vie to wrest control from the forces of the Imperium. A stalemate has set in. Only your Kill Team can help break through the lines and bring victory.

Success brings victory, failure brings death. In the far-flung 41st Millenia, there is only war.

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