Sergei Sharenko and I recently decided to form a new miniatures company, one dedicated to 25/28mm and to armies that have not seen a lot of attention and/or dedication.

Our first line, launched at Cold Wars in the U.S., was the Qin/Ch'in Chinese (the army of Ch'in shih-huang-ti), and is now complete with 32+ infantry, 3 chariots, and 9 cavalry figures, with banners and additional weapon packs coming soon! This army is also suitable to represent the army of the early Han Dynasty.

Future releases includes the Golden Horde, Early Medieval Serbians, and Post-Mongol Russians. Coming in the very near future is the army of Timur the Splendid (Tamerlane)! All of the miniatures have been well researched, and they should mix well with the figures of all the major manufacturers.

Comments or suggestions? Drop by or drop us a line. :)