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2,112 hits since 22 Aug 2002

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Games Workshop announces:

A year ago we launched our The Fellowship of the Ring game upon the world. The game has been a resounding success, capturing the imagination of all who have played it.

Two Towers boxed set

November sees the release of the second game. The Two Towers. Mirroring the events in the second film, it adds more depth to the Lord of the Rings game, with rules for using cavalry and fighting sieges as well as new scenarios and a host of new characters.

Two Towers boxed set contents

Over the coming year we’ll be showing off all our fantastic new models – from Gandalf the White to Grishnakh and from Faramir's Rangers to Uruk-Hai siege specialists – and we’ll be publishing painting and modelling advice along with new scenarios and gaming material to help you enjoy your games even more.

Gimli attacks

This time last year we were enthusiastically awaiting the new film, envisaging it to be great but not knowing quite what to expect. This year we’re even more enthusiastic as the first film completely blew us away and we’re eager for more!

Wrath of Rohan

The same applies to our new The Two Towers game - the first game has been very well received and this new addition will, we hope, be even more popular with those of you who have enjoyed the game so much over the last 12 months.

Riders versus Urukhai