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West Wind New Release: Hansom Tank

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West Wind Productions writes:

West Wind news logo

Cracking September New Release for Empire of the Dead – 28mm Steampunk Horror Game

MOTD-08 Hansom Tank
RRP: £15.00 GBP
MOTD-08 Hansom Tank
Jedadiah Tankovsky built the first Hansom Tank in 1875. Originally conceived as a mode of transport for important dignitaries and people of well-to-do, the Hansom Armored Conveyor was an unarmed two-passenger and driver machine, driven by twin three horse power Infernum compression engines built by Harrison & Harrison of 36 Leather Lane Holborn. However Lord Howell of Keffbourne, Master of the Queens Armories saw another application for this most wondrous of machines. By the addition of a Gatling gun and a gunners seat, he created the worlds first Tankovsky or Tank as the lower classes came to call it. Another excellent model designed by our master model maker Andy Rawling to add to your Empire of the Dead world!

The rules for the Hansom Tank and other Steampunk Vehicles and Contraptions for Empire of the Dead will be available soon via the brand-new West Wind website.

New West Wind Website!

Exciting news, our new West Wind website/webstore has been under construction and will be ready soon, we can't wait to show it to everyone!

Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian