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New 28mm Ship's Fittings & Guns at TVAG

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SgtGuinness writes:

Wow, great stuff, I'll be placing an oder!

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Paul Glasser reports his experience in the Second Battle of El Alamein at Gen Con 2007.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP of The Virtual Armchair General writes:

The ever-creative Mr. Eric Cox continues to expand the original Houston Collection of parts to detail your scratch-built gunboats, warships and freighters, and the no-less-gifted Mr. Chris Ferree has replaced more old castings with classic machineguns, plus some altogether new ones, too.

TVAG's 3D resin-printed models are not only the most extensive range of its kind anywhere, but are better detailed and half the price – and usually even less! – of such items offered elsewhere. Here are the latest additions.

Can't have a vessel if you can't park it, so here's the new "Civilian" Anchor. (The "Military" version is coming next.)

Danforth Anchor

And no steel-hulled ship can stay afloat without Bulkhead Hatches.

Steel Bulkhead Hatch

This new-and-improved Vertical Ladder will make your shipbuilding a lot easier than the previous design.

Ship's Ladder

But most useful for your smaller vessels – or just your Pulp or other RPGs – is this alternate radio set, and a choice of furniture to set it on.

Small Radio

Besides these latest fittings, here are some long-awaited Heavy Machineguns, both for mounting aboard ship, or towing into the field to "entertain" the Bad Guys.

Our old friend, the three-barreled Nordenfelt on Naval Mount. The 3D resin-printed replacement on a land carriage is coming soon.

3-barrel Nordenfelt

One of the true "crowd pleasers" of the era is the five-barreled Nordenfelt.

5-barrel Nordenfelt

And here it is on its new horse-drawn carriage – but you'll have to scare up your own horse.

5-Barrel Nordenfelt on Field Carriage

And speaking of five-barreled "persuaders," this Gardner Gun was a favorite in the Sudan (when it didn't jam, that is), and is a completely new MG in the range.

5-barrel Gardner MG

Finally (for now), her baby sister, the two-barrel version on field carriage.

2-barrel Gardner MG

To see more photos of these and all other items, click the link here.

More weapons and fittings are in the works (some already in hand!), so keep a deck watch for the next releases.