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Heroes, Villains & Fiends Released

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Shadyt writes:

I hope that they add miniatures to match the artwork.

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19th Century
Science Fiction

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NickNorthStar of North Star writes:

The first supplement to Osprey Publishing's In Her Majestys Name Steampunk rules is in this week.

Heroes, Villains & Fiends

It is titled Heroes, Villains and Fiends – here is the official word on the book:

It is 1895 and the future depends not upon the actions of governments but upon those of the Adventuring Companies, and will be shaped by countless engagements in city streets, ancient ruins, dense jungles, high mountains and boundless deserts. In America, good men fight to preserve their hard-won liberty and the great drive west is stalled by Native American mystics and powerful outlaw gangs. In Africa, native forces fight to push back the Pax Britannica – no longer is a Lee-Metford rifle and a disciplined resolve enough to put the foe to flight. In Europe, darkness gathers around the Austro-Hungarian court and the Great Powers watch warily, knowing its fall could precipitate a war to end all wars. Heroes, Villains and Fiends presents new Companies, from the rebellious Zulu and Apache to the spies of the Okhrana and Secret Service, and the mysterious forces of such groups as the Knights Templar and the sinister Hellfire Club. With equipment, Talents and Mystical Powers, additional scenarios and a sample campaign, Heroes, Villains and Fiends opens up new possibilities for In Her Majesty's Name.

Here at North Star, we have at least one boxed set of figures planned to go with the book, and we'll look at more next year.

For more information

Text edited by Editor Julia
Graphics edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian