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Violence in the Forum: Factional Struggles in Ancient Rome (133-78 BC)
Weaves together the military, political, and social aspects of this tumultuous period of Roman history. Discusses the tumultuous period in Rome between 133 and 78 BC, covering the plots of the Senate of Rome against the Gracchi and their violent ends; the mysterious death of Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus, destroyer of Carthage and of Numantia; the ferocious lynching of Lucius Apuleius Saturninus; the seditious tribune of the plebs; the civil war between Marius and Sulla, including the siege and capitulation of Rome and Marius' reign of terror, ending with the definitive victory and proscriptions of Sulla. $35.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.

The Swabian War of 1499: A Contest Between Two Early Tactical Infantries
In 1499, a ferocious war was waged between the Swiss states and the German Empire. It was costly conflict and an estimated 200 villages were destroyed and over 20,000 combat troops were killed, not to mention uncounted thousands of non-combatants. The Swiss had developed into one of the first truly tactical infantries, capable of complex maneuvers in both offensive and defensive roles. But in the Swabian War, the Swiss faced another truly tactical infantry, the German Landsknechts, who based their military on the Swiss model. In an number of campaigns and battles, the two forces met in closely fought contests, leaving the impression that Swiss dominance as an infantry had met its match. Contains 40 black-and-white illustrations, five pages of color plates, five black-and-white maps, and three color maps. $43.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $36.55 USD.

For Queen & Empire: The History & Uniforms of Queen Victoria's Armed Forces at Home & in the Empire 1881-1902, Volume 1: The British Armed Forces
Through the narrative of the various branches of the services and the illustrations of the uniforms they wore, this volume describes the armed forces at home. Incredible detailed descriptions of uniforms and accouterments of the navy, regular army, yeomanry, volunteer forces, etc. An exquisite look at the pomp of the heyday of Empire. Large format, 32 multiple-uniforms, full-page color plates. $72.00 USD

Fury & Ice: Greenland, the United States & Germany in World War II
Covers the importance of Greenland during World War II. Explores how Greenland was able to successfully help the Allies because of being able to predict the weather accurately – it led to the successful invasion of Normandy, as well as bombing offensives against Germany. Discusses how the Germans tried to assault Greenland, going so far as to be the only North American continent to have a German presence in WWII, and how the U.S. Coast Guard helped to fight off the invaders. Also touches on the various tragedies that happened because of the fighting, such as the loss of the transport ship SS Dorchester, as well as the Lost Squadron. Contains 30+ black-and-white photographs. $35.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.

Polish Air Force Fighter Aircraft, 1943-45: On the Offensive, D-Day & Victory in Europe
Discusses how Polish fighter pilots were crucial to RAF operations from 1939 to 1945, fighting valiantly across Europe, North Africa, and beyond. From the first combat over Poland in 1939, until Bomber Command's assault on Hitler's alpine retreat at Berchtesgaden in April 1945, when the red and white marked Mustangs escorted the bombers on their way to the target, there was no major RAF aerial operation undertaken in Europe without the involvement of Polish fighter squadrons and pilots. Examines Polish fighter actions in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Contains 250 mono illustrations. $45.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.

The Story of Brixmis & the Secret Cold War: Intelligence Gathering Operations Behind Enemy Lines in East Germany
Details British intelligence operations in Cold War East Germany, revealing Soviet and East German military secrets from 1946 to 1990. Discusses how Brixmis, the British Commanders'-in-Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany, was able to provide intelligence on the East German police state. Thanks to an obscure 1946 agreement between the British and Soviets that established liaison missions in their respective zones of occupation, the British were able to send highly qualified military observers into East Germany to roam relatively freely and keep an eye on what was going on. What started as liaison, a point of contact between the British and Soviet occupation forces, developed into a very sophisticated intelligence gathering operation, sending tours out every day of the year, between 1946 and when the Mission closed in 1990. Contains 40 mono illustrations. $50.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.

Mosquito Special Operations in the Second World War: The Ultimate Fighter Bomber
Looks at how the de Havilland Aircraft Co. Mosquito defied WWII norms with unmatched versatility and speed, serving crucial roles from bomber to fighter. It was introduced as an unarmed, un-interceptable, long range, high speed, high altitude medium bomber. An unarmed bomber without protective armament was a concept that ran directly contrary to the tactical doctrines of both the Royal Air Force and the U.S. Army Air Force. Examines the crucial role of designers and engineers from drawing board to production and company support. The text details attacks from the aircrew point of view. Contains 17 mono illustrations. $37.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $31.45 USD.

Cold War Boys Overseas: True Tales by Those Who Served With the Royal Air Force Abroad
RAF pilots stationed worldwide recall their time at foreign destinations, including Hunters, Javelins, and Canberras being replaced by a new generation of combat aircraft such as the Buccaneer, Harrier, Jaguar, Phantom and Vulcan. Starts in Germany with tales of monitoring the Soviet threat, then examines missions in the warmer climates of the Near East and Far East. Innovation of missile defense and the expansion of the role of helicopters were also critical at this time. $40.00 USD
OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
And Don't Forget the Magazines…

Ancient History Magazine # 51: Beer & Wine in Antiquity
Theme: Beer and Wine in Antiquity: Beer in Ancient Mesopotamia – The Land of Ninkasi; Innovation, Libations, and Intoxication – Drinking with the Etruscans; All About Roman drinking Culture – Vines, Venus, and Vomiting; The Politics and Ritual of Celtic Feasting – Competitive Commensality; and The Nectar of Humans and Gods – Winemaking in Roman Italy. Features: Aeneas: Prince, Refugee, Founder of Rome – From Troy to Rome; Barbarian Settlements in Fifth-Century Gaul – Imperial Policy or Imaginative Experiment; Canine Aspects of Classical Sea Monsters – Salty Sea Dogs; The Egyptian Origins of the Nimrud Ivories – The Woman in the Window; Tiberius' Character in Roman Sources – General, Emperor, and Tyrant; and Roman Religion Beyond State Sacrifices – Personal Piety. $12.00 USD
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