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1:600 Xebec

An unusual addition for your Age of Sail fleets.

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First Look: Barrage's 28mm Roads

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian takes a look at flexible roads made from long-lasting flexible resin.

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1,539 hits since 5 Oct 2023

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

Most items due into the shoppe in a couple weeks. If you wish to pick up your order at the shoppe, please call ahead to ensure we are open.

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The Sands of Sudan: Colonial Rules With Card Deck

The Sands of Sudan: Colonial Rules With Card Deck

Colonial ruleset contains organization, basing, movement, fire, and melee mechanics, troop roster sheets, campaign rosters, and OOBs from olden days of The Wargames Holiday Center. Includes recommended books, sites, and figure manufacturers in a range of scales. Includes a deck of cards for random events. $59.00 USD

Peter Bunde Uniform Plates…

405: Grand Duchy of Baden: Artillery on Foot 1810-1815

405: Grand Duchy of Baden: Artillery on Foot 1810-1815

Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. $14.00 USD

406: Tsarist Empire of Russia: Tatar Uhlan Regiment 1812-1814

406: Tsarist Empire of Russia: Tatar Uhlan Regiment 1812-1814

Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. $14.00 USD


The Banners in the Battle of Grunwald

The Banners in the Battle of Grunwald

On July 15, 1410, in the fields near the villages of Tannenberg (Stebark), Grunfelde (Grunwald) and Ludwigsdorf (Lodwigowo), two powerful armies battled each other. The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the German House in Jerusalem put up several dozen banners, both of its own troops and a huge number of allies, guests and mercenaries. On the opposite side stood the Polish knighthood in 50 banners formed from their own knights and numerous foreign detachments and 40 banners brought by Prince Witold from Lithuania and Ruthenia, as well as assistance from Tatars. Using contemporary chronicles along with modern research, the author provides original drawings that detail the different troops and banners involved in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410, between the forces of the Teutonic Knights and the Polish-Lithuanian Kingdoms. $40.00 USD

Don Troiani's Campaign to Saratoga 1777: The Turning Point of the Revolution

Don Troiani's Campaign to Saratoga 1777: The Turning Point of the Revolution

Contains 282 illustrations including: 63 color illustrations; 201 halftones, color including color photographs; and 18 maps. $55.00 USD

Liberty: Don Troiani's Paintings of the Revolutionary War

Liberty: Don Troiani's Paintings of the Revolutionary War

This catalog for the exhibit of Troiani's work at the Museum of the American Revolution highlights pivotal events of America's fight for independence. For the first time in a museum, this special exhibition brings together Troiani's original Revolutionary War paintings and pairs them with artifacts from the Museum and private collection. Contains 101 illustrations including: 45 color illustrations; 56 halftones, and olor including color photographs. $55.00 USD

More at the Website…

Visit for information on all stocked items. If you have a further question about an item or you wish to order, email or phone 609-466-2329. Thank you for your continued support.

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