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Maurice Has Arrived

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1:700 Black Seas British Brigs

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian paints brigs for the British fleet.

Featured Book Review

3,386 hits since 27 Apr 2012

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Spreewaldgurken of Sam Mustafa Publishing writes:

Huzzah! Huzzah! The wait is over, and Maurice, the new game from Sam Mustafa, is heading off to conquer the (gaming) world and impress the ladies. Now that the game is shipping, if anybody is still thinking of ordering with the pre-order specials (the discounted "Aristocrat" and "Bourgeois" bundle deals), please do so soon. These deals will end in early May and pricing will return to normal.

A Notable Card

Maurice is a delightful combination of tabletop miniatures rules for historical and fictional battles, a limitless campaign system that requires virtually no math or paperwork, and a roleplaying game in which the "characters" are officers, units, and armies, whose personalities you create, and whose fates you manage from battle to battle across wars and decades.

A Notable Card

Maurice covers the age of linear warfare, from the wars of the Sun King to the French Revolution. It has a flexible game scale that can stretch to accommodate small battles such as those of the American Revolution, all the way up to the massive struggles of the European succession wars. It is especially useful for Imagi-Nations, with an army creation system that lets you design your own unique national characteristics.

An Action Card

For more information about Maurice, go to the Honour website downloads page. Here you will find the complete Maurice informational flyer, sample pages and play-aids, a free "lite" version, and lo-res samples of enough of the cards to play a complete basic game.

An Action Card

Maurice is now shipping! To order, go to

An Action Card

British customers can save on shipping by purchasing from North Star Miniatures.

A National Advantage Card

Australian/New Zealand customers should contact Eureka Miniatures.

A Battlefield Card

For more information