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3Dprintable Union Sharpshooters Available for Doodfight

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

From The Union Fleet Liaison

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Union Sharpshooters

Often operating in support of Ranger Brigades, the sharpshooter teams fulfill a role as light infantry commandos. These elite marksmen can be deployed far behind enemy lines to disrupt supply and communication lines. They are highly adept survivalists, as they may have to wait weeks or even months after completing their mission before they can be safely extracted.

Many of the Union Army's Vlese comrades found their ways into the Sharpshooter teams, finding their agility and precision to be natural advantages.

The pyrotechnic laser rounds of the "Wild Bill" sniper rifle have considerably less recoil than the "Chamberlain" Service rifle, making the weapon far kinder to their hollow bones.

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