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Kalashnikov Tribal: Multi-Battalion Available

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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

From Jim Webster

Watermarked PDF – $5.01 USD

Kalashnikov Tribal: Multi-Battalion

My aim with these rules was to create something which allowed you to fight larger battles, where each base is a battalion. The rules cover the period pretty much from the development of the magazine rifle onward, but you can doubtless fudge that. The aim is to allow you to fight several different sorts of game. Yes you can have the clash of regular armies. But you can also have the sort of counter-insurgency battle where a regular division might have to sweep an area. Or where an insurgent might tell off forces to attack a government firebase whilst preparing to ambush the forces attempting to relieve the isolated garrison. All on the same wargames table.

Because of the nature of these games I wanted to include logistics, but I wanted to do so in a simple form which was both relevant but also didn't take too much book keeping. So a lot of your artillery support is just the expenditure of logistics points.

I've included rules for solo play, and the three campaigns included can also be played solo or against an opponent.

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