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1-48COMBAT 60mm Round Scenic Bases Now Available Separately

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CmdrKiley writes:

I've painted up a few of these. They are very nice and make great objective markers, cover or even a nice vignette for display.

Unfortunately all of my 28mm WWII figures are based on 30mm lipped bases. The holes in the center are for 25mm round bases. If they reworked these to accept 30mm bases I'd be interested in more of these.

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Finally, a game that's not so flat.

2,576 hits since 12 Dec 2012

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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bauedawargames of Baueda Wargames writes:

60mm round scenic base

Following the many requests received, we have now made available separately the scenic bases that comes with the first ten packs of 1-48COMBAT figures. Make sure your table looks as good as your figures for a truly enjoyable game! Great-looking terrain creates the right atmosphere, as well as providing extra cover to make your game even more interesting and objectives truly worth fighting for!

60mm round scenic base

Cast in tough polyurethane in a single piece and ready to use, these fantastically detailed models are perfect for 28mm to 32mm figures!

60mm round scenic base

As well as excellent tabletop terrain covers, these can be used also as a mini-diorama or a display base, thanks to the 25mm round hole inside, and many are just perfect to be used as game objectives!

I've also added the two sandbag entrenchments that come with the figure packs: 48011CS (Igor Povlyak) and 48012CS (Mark Shuster) .

These are, of course, designed to match with all our other modular fortifications, such as the 28mm front line sentry post or the 28mm AT gun sandbags emplacement. You can mix all these together to make an entire line of fortifications, or a stronghold that can be used for basically any conflict from WWII up to the most futuristic settings!

Always new resin terrain on the way anyway…


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