G'day once again from the Slave Dungeon!
In fact, things have been very quiet here on the miniature front, as we have moved to a new and improved Slave Dungeon. But now we are back up and ready to release some new figures.
So, to start things off right, we thought that we would release some new Goblins! These Goblins are a part of the Goblin Factory range that the amazing Mike Broadbent has sculpted, and are the addition of the heavy armored troop choice for the Goblins.
The first two packs that we see are the two different types of heavy armored commands. Both packs contain a leader and standardbearer. The musicians are, however, different – one has a battle drum, while the other has the battle horn.
Both of these packs are $10.00 AUD.
The next pack is the Heavy Armored Goblin Swordsmen. This is a pack containing seven various poses of Goblins with swords. This pack sells for $21.00 AUD.
The third pack to be released is the Heavy Armored Goblin With Halberds. As with the swordsmen, this pack also contains seven various poses of Goblins with halberds. This pack also sells for $21.00 AUD.
All these new packs can be found (along with all of our other ranges) at slave2gaming.com.