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Khurasan Releases The Barbarian O'Brien & Qu-Ti

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Spiffy Iguana writes:

Personally, I think tying figure cost to expected sales volume makes a lot of sense; especially if the manufacturer is direct about it. I like character models and I'll only ever buy one, so I don't mind paying extra for what amounts to the service of having it provided. Heck, I feel the same way about whole ranges. For something super obscure and niche, like say, Yayoi period Japanese, I would completely understand being asked to pay a dollar or two a model, even for rank and file, since maybe three people would ever buy the range.

Oh, and awesome fantasy barbarian!

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khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

We are very pleased to release our latest set of 15mm fantasy models, the Barbarian O'Brien and Qu-Ti. An unparalleled warrior from a savage land, O'Brien ranges the world, seeking booty and glory. He's rescued his share of comely lasses, and the latest is the beautiful Qu-Ti, who was about to be fed to the Great Lizard of Zort, and we can't have that, now can we? (Look for the Great Lizard of Zort as a future release – he's 50 feet long, so it would take considerable effort to miss him.)

From the front…

We think you'll agree that these two models are little gems, and what else would you expect from sculptor John Winter, who tried some 15mm work as a break from his usual 28mm. Here they are beautifully brought to life by the brush of Simon Bradley. Nice work chaps! (Simon added the base, which is not provided with the figures.)

…and from the back

Whilst intended as the quintessential "Hero" stand for Hordes of the Things or games like it, adding this stand to an historical ancient or medieval army would be an excellent shake-and-bake method of fielding a fantasy army.

The models are available now - click the link below to go to our 15mm Fantasy page.

(Hordes of the Things and Shake-and-Bake are trademarks of their respective owners, and neither has endorsed this figurine release.)

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