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Printable 1:72 Scale Su-7 Available

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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This is a 1:72 Su-7 Fitter. Full video instructions are on YouTube. This model takes about 30-60 minutes to build using scissors and glue. The result is an accurate, durable model, which can be catapulted with a rubber band and withstand many tough landings. When the plane is worn out, spend another 30 minutes and build another one!

The Su-7 comes with multiple layers which can be turned off and on, allowing you to build a model from several nations: U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia, India, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. It can also be left blank-white.

These planes were not designed just to sit on a shelf and look good. Build one. Enjoy it. Build another.

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