That's right! Along with a few bits and bobs for the Samurai range, we are now adding our second range of 28mm metal figures: Gladiators from the Roman Arenas! The first release is made up of four figures, either sold singly or in a pack of four. Included in this first release is a Retiarius, Secutor, Murmillo and a Thraex.
These excellently designed figures bring back the glories that was Rome in a a convenient 28mm size! Useful for roleplaying, skirmish gaming, and compatible with some of the newest gladiator rulesets out there. These figures show crisp edges and intricate detail. A delight to paint and collect. We aim to do two more releases, each made up of four figures this year. Should demand support it, we may add ring side and other interesting and unique pieces to the range. The packs of four will retail for $31.99 CAD and singles $9.99 CAD.