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Brigade Models: "Home Fleet Home"

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Brigade Models announces:

We have these two additions to the British Imperial Skies fleet.

New additions

The first is a new version of an old favorite, the Engadine dirigible heavy cruiser. This new design is a one-piece resin casting which replaces the old metal model. The Engadine class does sterling work in the Home Fleet, serving as command vessels for patrol groups of dirigibles which monitor the dark seas and skies over the North and Norwegian Seas. They're ideally suited for this work because of their long range and ability to stay on station for extended periods with minimal support. The contents of the British Patrol Fleet pack has been updated to contain an Engadine alongside several other dirigibles and an Ark Royal tender.


The second new vessel is the Duke of York class battleship, several examples of which are already in service with the Grand Fleet. This new class has a lighter main battery, but with extensive medium- and light-caliber weapons for combating cruiser and smaller-sized vessels.

Duke of York

VAN-116 – Engadine class Dirigible Cruiser – £6.00 GBP
VAN-136 – Duke of York class Battleship – £8.00 GBP
VANFP-107 – British Patrol Fleet – £24.00 GBP

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