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Grimstone Core Rules Available

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Ivan The Not So Terrible writes:

Not sure why this comes up in the historical news feed.

Areas of Interest

18th Century

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Middle Earth

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Cheap Scenery: Giant Mossy Rocks

Well, they're certainly cheap...

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

From Spiral Lane Productions

Watermarked PDF – Sale Price $3.20 USD

Welcome to Wargame Vault's Winter Offensive! From now until January  3, 1000 hours Eastern, this digital title has been marked down by 25%! For more values, visit our Winter Offensive sale page.

Grimstone is a Tactical Combat – Tabletop Roleplaying Game written and developed by Angelos Kyprianos. The game features original artwork by Charidimos Bitsakakis who was asked to design gravure-like illustrations to truly capture the essence and the atmosphere of this dark fantasy, flintlock RPG project. Supplementary artwork has been used and credited within the book.

Grimstone takes place in a small but ancient fantasy world called "Mea," a dimension that belongs to the universe of Radrum. Mea's two Gods, Vestia and Berikan, represent the Moon and the Sun, two important symbols of Mea's history. And so, Mea, is a world ever divided between Light and Darkness, Sunborn and Moonborn Tribes, Science and Magic, Religion and Paganism.

Grimstone was designed to offer an immersive and lethal combat system. Its mechanics focus on the environment and the skills of each character, so that gunfighting, melee combat, or magic can be equally exciting!

Grimstone has a simple system that requires a combat grid and miniatures or tokens. it features a classless system that allows free development of characters that may choose among Domains such as: Traditional Weapons (swords, axes etc.), Advanced Weapons (pistols, muskets etc.), Unarmed Combat, Magic and Science (medicine, alchemy, mechanic etc). 

During combat, you will be able to perform attacks by quickly calculating Distance, Obstacles and other environmental parameters that modify your Rolls. It is a game where each player must hurry and make good use of the terrain and the environment by utilizing the most advantageous spots offered. 

Guns and spells are equally affected by physics and melee weapons require characters to cover long distances to reach their opponents or make use of stealth. 

For more information