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OBG: Greco-Persian & Peloponnesian Wars Available Now

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Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP writes:

Fair enough, I'm ordering a copy. I've had armies of Greeks and Persians lingering in storage bins long enough! Time to see if this rules set will allow them to emerge and get busy!

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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wipgamesandminiatures Sponsoring Member of TMP of WiP Games and Miniatures writes:

Our latest rulebook, The Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian Wars – which is the fourth book in the On Bloody Ground series of period-specific mass-combat rulebooks – is back from the printers, and as promised, all pre-orders have now been shipped!

The Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian Wars

Everyone that pre-ordered should have had a notification that their order has shipped and is on its way, and some may already have their new book in hand. This new book is now part of our 'in stock' range, with the first batch of standard orders shipping already this week!

As we've previously said, this latest release marks a slight change for us in the format of our rulebooks as we move forward into 2025, in that we've gotten rid of the bits that players didn't want or need to have a great game, which has allowed us to drop the price of future releases significantly from £15.00 GBP to just £12.95 GBP! As well as the price decrease, and probably more importantly, our capacity to produce new rulebooks and their specific army lists has increased from just two books a year, to between ten and twelve!

A recap on what's different…

Well, each of our previous books had around six or eight color internal pages showing units and commanders from the various armies contained within the specific book. These pages didn't add much to the books, and more importantly, massively slowed the whole process of development and production of new titles. So, the internal color pages have gone!

All of our new releases in the series will now be priced at just £12.95 GBP and will have around 50-60 pages instead of the previous 64, depending on the period being covered.

What's stayed the same?

We still have the lovely full-color covers and the full core rules, as well as period-specific rules and army lists, so everything that matters! There will just be a huge increase in the periods that we cover, allowing even more players to discover the best historical mass-combat wargame on the planet! (We're still working on the proof to back that up!)

Our next two books are already near completion (more details on what these are will be released soon), and we have at least two more periods set firmly in the release schedule, but if there's a specific period you or your gaming buddies would like to see covered, why not let us know, and we'll see if we can get it sorted sooner, rather than later!

And a quick note…

We're also making much more use of our YouTube channel now, so if you want to get an idea of how the game plays, why not pop over there to see our monthly battle reports. As part of our increased activity in 2025, these will be a regular feature from us, and we'd love to hear your thoughts about what we've done so far, or what you might like to see from us in the future.

Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

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