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Warlord Games: Charity Response

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The H Man writes:

What's in the 7 pouches?

7 bacon butties!

He's good for a week, then it's back to HQ to reload.

From his white dwarf days, at least. But I suspect he took the habit with him.

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658 hits since 18 Dec 2024

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Warlord Games announces:

We are pleased to announce that sales of the limited-edition Sergeant Sawyer figure amounted to a total of £22,927.00 GBP, all of which was donated to The Brain Tumour Charity, a hugely important cause. Additionally, £2,630.00 GBP was raised from the recent raffle, with this being donated to the Gurkha Welfare Trust, a charity chosen by Paul Sawyer himself.

Sergeant Sawyer

We want to thank everyone who purchased a figure or donated, and contributed to both of these incredibly worthy charities.